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Visualizing Dishonesty


Much has been done in the areas of public policy, political science and economics to study and treat the problem of corruption and the abuse of public trust. I have prepared a Tableau presentation that aims to treat the topic of corruption differently. It starts by familiarizing the reader about the pervasiveness of corruption. Afterwards, rather than enumerating the various means by which corruption is being addressed throughout the world, it emphasizes the various conditions by which corruption thrives or flounders.

Please visit my Tableau public site to view my data story.

What makes white wine good?

I have a dataset which consists of observations on the physicochemical properties of Portuguese vinho verde white wines. Each wine is judged by three wine experts and assigned a numeric score based on the assessment of its quality.

Through exploratory data analysis, I intend to find and identify those features that may be common among wines that received higher quality scores. Read more


Modeling Card Draws

Ever wonder how one report can make bold statements as "49% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck"?

The answer lies in an oft-overlooked feature of the normal distribution called the Central Limit Theorem.

In the study that I've prepared, we will use a common deck of playing cards to discuss how the Central Limit Theorem helps us to confidently draw inferences about a population using just a subset of that population. Read more


Data Wrangling the Orlando Open Street Map Data

The traditional procedures for cleaning data usually involves auditing the data, developing a data cleaning plan, executing the plan, and where necessary, doing manual corrections to the data. It is recommended that these steps be done at least two times or more until we are confident about the integrity and validity of our data. Data cleaning is an iterative process. Read more


I am always reminded of the many ways technology has benefited us each time I watch this video of the beloved mathematician Dr. Gilbert Strang giving an introductory lecture on Linear Algebra.

I can never get enough of Dr. Strang's lectures because of his light and conversational style of teaching.

Avid learners like myself are ever so blessed and grateful.

Exploratory Data Analysis on the RMS Titanic Data

In this study, we will employ some techniques of exploratory data analysis on the RMS Titanic dataset which is made available by Kaggle on its site. The training dataset contains personal and survival information about the passengers of the Titanic.

The analysis will allow us to gain as much insight into the Titanic data. We will uncover the structure of the data to verify underlying assumptions. Some assumptions may reveal interesting insights while others may point towards possible relationships among variables.

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The Salk Vaccine Field Trials

The U.S. government undertook the polio vaccine field trials in 1954 in an effort to curb the spread of the highly infectious poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis disease. The trials were described as among the most elaborate and most publicized of its kind ever done. I am drawn to it because of the insights we learned in the way we devise plans to prove whether or not a proposed solution is effective.

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Analyzing the Stroop Effect

I'd like to revisit Dr. Stroop's color-word task and demonstrate the use of descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, and statistical inference to analyze how interference affects the reaction time that is involved in reading an object's color name and naming an object's color. Visit the study

Image courtesy of adam-eason.com


Exploring the 2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data

Which state in the United States has the highest reported obesity rates in 2013? Is there a relationship between education and income levels? Is there an association between high blood pressure and kidney disease? Read on to explore these questions using data. Read on

Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than the exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise.

John Tukey, Mathematician

Hi and welcome to my website. I am a data analyst, systems developer, visual artist and continuous learner.

I like leveraging these gifts along with my relentless curiosity and penchant for growing my skills to help inform data-driven decisions.